

Jack Philip Carson is a musician, singer, and healer. “I help people re-connect with their strength, their voice, and the deep abiding wisdom that exists within. I gather people together to sing medicine songs and mantras from around the world. I’ve seen the way that music and movement break down barriers.”


Whether singing the ancient Sanskrit mantras of India, traditional folklore of South America, or performing his original works of inspiration, Carson’s music invokes a feeling of ancestral devotion and a dedication to higher consciousness.

My Discovery of Healing

My name is Jack Philip Carson. Since I was born I have known that my purpose on this planet was to serve and to help others. From being a doctor, to a surgeon, and to making music, healing others has always been my calling.

I began this journey into becoming a healer when I turned 18 because I wanted to find myself. I wanted to heal myself. I wanted to discover the truth of who I am and become a better man. I was mentally ill and I was struggling. I was tired of being angry, and of feeling sorry for myself. I needed something else. A different life, a real me.

I feel I was called here. I was asked to do this work by something greater than myself. And it has challenged me and continues to challenge me. These challenges are expanding me, pushing me, making me show up and see myself more truthfully.

But wow… thank you creation. Thank you. I am so grateful my path was already here waiting for me. All I had to do was be willing to show up in my life and trust.

And this work and music? It lights something up so amazingly inside of me.. so beyond words. So beyond my minds comprehension. Like I've done this before. Like my soul already knows.. and I can feel without a doubt I am right where l am supposed to be.